Friday, August 31, 2012

Older Backlight, Leading Line and Movement

I was taking one last look through all of my pictures and I found these ones from a little while ago.  I can't believe I didn't already upload them, I now have extras for just about each folder now though... I guess extra wouldn't hurt.

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Monday, August 27, 2012

Everything Wonderful About Summer

Whats more fun than being on the Sandy River on the hottest day of the year?

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Time Passing (I've Wanted To Do This for the Longest Time)

This series of photos is something I have wanted to create for the longest time and I finally got the chance and took it!  In this situation I used my circular polarizer lens filter (to block out stray light and have a longer vivid exposure without overexposing it) (That is also why there are some strange lights in the sky, they aren't aliens! haha). These were not even edited, only light saturation tweaks to bring out the reds.  I also set the camera to manual focus and the manual mode to get the correct shutter speed and aperture I wanted.  (I was even able to shoot at a low ISO so I could get clearer images).  It goes without saying that I needed my tripod and remote shutter release for the straight trail lines.  

Please Welcome My First Uploaded Panorama To My Blog!

Hopefully everyone can see it... I could have used my Auto Panorama on my Sony camera but those always come out really blurry and plain.  I took a line of pictures and then merged them in PhotoShop then cropped out the blank space.  They almost always turn out better than auto panorama shots and are just as easy (and pretty straightforward) 

Some Strange Texture/ Leading Line

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Blurry, But Still Euphoria

This is one of those strange times that a picture from my little point-and-shoot camera has made it into my project.  Yes, this is a real concert that I went to on August 22.  It was Florence + The Machine at the McMenamins Historic Edgefield Manor in Troutdale.  I was hoping that I could capture a salvageable photo from there and this is what I got.  I wish I could have brought my new camera, but the venue had a rule about lenses not extending around an inch from the camera body, so the Canon was out of the question.  Still, there was a great sense of euphoria that night ( I just wish that I could have been closer).  If anyone gets the chance to see them live, it is an unforgettable experience, Florence Welch is such a great singer!

Monday, August 20, 2012

Frozen in Motion

Today was a creative day indeed.  This series of photos was actually taken in my bathroom against a shower door.  I had to set up two lights to give it this "dramatic" effect.  I also had to put my camera 
 Manual mode and tweak the aperture, shutter speed and have a respectable ISO.  I also had the flash on to get a distinctive frozen look to the stray water splash droplets. That flash was on a very weak setting (down 2 stops) I'll copy the extended photo info below. I used my remote shutter and camera on a tripod to take the pouring of the water as it happened (even though it was less than 3.0 frames per second for the flash to charge in between) Most all of these pictures are from separate pours of water though.  I ended up poring a lot of water for these few shots.

General Photo Info: (What Worked In The End)

  • Shot RAW! (because it's better that way)
  • Shutter: 1/60
  • Aperture: f/5.6 (pretty wide open for my camera) (I think the lowest for the particular lens i was using was 3.5)
  • Manual exposure 
  • 49mm Focal Length
  • 200 ISO 
  • Pattern Metering 
  • Flash On 
  • Auto Focus (Focal point set to top right and bottom right focal points for crisp focus on the glass) (Out of the 9 focal points total)

Best Friend As A Tree (In this case)

Hello again friends.  Today is a great day.  I have now completed my scavenger hunt and TPLM segments of my project!  Lighting just needs two more pictures under flash.  Finally on the home stretch now!  

Thinking of my best friend being a rock, stick or tree had been somewhat difficult for me.  Like I had said in another post I didn't want to interpret things literally (like shoes), but rather create a thoughtful picture that looks clean.  So in this case, I used myself in the picture (don't worry i framed and took it myself with a remote shutter release) and thought of this bit to be me admiring my 'friend' and talking to them. (My friend being the tree) My other idea was to have one of my friends actually be in the tree etc. or my friend being one with nature. I may end up trying that but I thought that it would be hard to execute and make made serious. 

Sunday, August 19, 2012

High Contrast, Yes? Or High Contrast, No...

Original: Kinda boring to me, I was kind of hoping that I could've taken this picture on a nice snowy day, but it being a beautiful summer day; chances were slim to none. 

Edited: This is much more mysterious in my eyes, which i prefer.  I also like how the aspects of the image are more in your face and the details feel more crisp.  The colors in the original were distracting in a way.  This will go into my backlight folder!  A nice replacement to another picture I wasn't too happy with.

Friday, August 17, 2012

I'd file this under...

I have no idea.

I just feel creeped out ;___;


 The Beach
The City
The Gorge
The Mountain 

This is why Oregon is my favorite place to be!

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

They're Friends! (Texture)

I finally got some tips on selective coloring and black/white in PhotoShop!  If anyone would like help with that I would gladly lend a helping hand, (I only know PhotoShop though)  

Anywho, this was taken on a bench in Horning's Hideout. It is a.... I guess you can say fishing place but there is a lot of other things to do there.  Its out in the Forest Grove area on Highway 26 and I have taken quite a few images there.  It's a considerably close place to go for people looking for some different settings on their hunt for their project possibly? :D

I hope everyone else's projects are going well.

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Anyone Else See The Meteor Shower This Passed Weekend?

The stars that night were really something! (these aren't going to be in my project, I just thought it would be something fun to share with everyone) 

Well Hey Now I'm Done With The Shoes Scavenger Hunt!

At first I thought that taking pictures of shoes for the scavenger hunt would have been a drag, but it has turned into one of my more creative/ strange segments in all of the other subjects in the project as a whole.  I think what motivated me to be different in the 'shoes' bit was that at all costs I did not just want to take pictures of shoes and say "hey, now i'm done with that".  I wanted to actually put something out that seemed interesting and fresh (other than regular old shoes).  

This one kind of tells a story (in my head).  It brings out the simplistic qualities that are a shoe, we become more connected to the ground below us without them though, feet in the grass and all the textures that are different that are not felt in shoes.

The effects were done by taking 3 different pictures and having an overlay for the shoes and socks (the bare feet were the background which everything was built upon, the negative on the shoes was just done by erasing the white on my shoes and only keeping the black.  Making my socks see through was just a simple edit with opacity in PhotoShop.  

Saturday, August 11, 2012

The Texture Bit Has Been My Favourite

I'll admit, this didn't completely happen "naturally" but still, full of that texture nonetheless 

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

This photo was a tough little bugger it was.

Some time after editing this photo (which felt like it took forever) I had a great feeling of success.  Then I came to realize I have no idea which folder this would fit into.  Maybe I should have thought of that before I took the time with this...  But fear not I will prevail and fit it somewhere.  (if anyone has a quicker way to take care of selective coloring in photoshop it would be greatly appreciated) 

Friday, August 3, 2012