Friday, January 18, 2013

Concentrations 1,2,3,4,5

They are all in order now, from the earliest to the latest.  They are now in a separate post. 

Follows is my Concentration Proposal Paper (Digital) 

Robert Chapman
Concentration Proposal Paper

Through my experiences of learning and developing in AP Studio Art - Photography I had many ideas on what I would create for my concentrations.  The concentration concept seemed somewhat strange at first and I was confused as to what I would end up doing.  Fortunately, through giving it some thought I decided my theme would revolve around “Technology Through The Ages”.  My theme is based off of a 6x6 project that was assigned at the beginning of the year where I photographed “vintage” technology.  I enjoyed that project very much and thought that I could expand on it and create more pieces.  

This time however, I am focusing on more recent technology (90’s-00’s) and creating similar pieces that reflect or extend upon the previous project (work in progress: maybe future technology(?) only if I cannot find enough recent technology at my disposal; but that is just something to fall back on or extend upon).  In the vintage 6x6 project, I used a typewriter to create my backdrops and layers, this time however I plan to use a modern font type to reflect changes in the way we use technology today (that includes the year fonts made previously; new font types are going to be incorporated).  Along with the layer backgrounds in my previous pieces, I plan to create a whole new page of things from the current era, things that are quintessential to the media of those periods of time.  The background layers will once again consist of music, events, movies, people and TV shows from the 90’s-00’s.  Prime examples of newer technology include photographs of the iPod (2001) and DVD(1995) in the same style as the vintage 6x6 project.

I would like to create pieces in the same 6 inch x 6 inch format to have the same cropped consistency as the vintage pieces as well as the same black and white/lighting values.  Individual print-out sizes should not matter as they are to be cut out and would be put on matte-board or some sort of large scale format paper (6x6 project (6, as one piece) and 11 new images).  As a whole, I am hoping the final product will show consistency through the pictures and be presented as a possible timeline through the technological ages (oldest to newest technology).  

I feel that this project is emphasizing my photographic abilities in studio lighting, object composition and typography (typing the layers of things from those eras).  I also enjoy combining layers and creating still life-esque scenes.  Although those are things I am good at, and enjoy, some obstacles are going to stand in my way.  To have consistency in my photos, I will want to refer back to my old 6x6 photo data and try to recreate lighting, composition, shutter speed, aperture, ISO and a whole plethora of other things that are similar to my past project.  Even though this may sound like a lot to “take care of”, I feel that this will be something that is achievable and will make for some great results.
My plan of action is to make everything I need over Winter Break, such as the background layers and get my lighting and set design things all set up beforehand.  After that is all set up I can work on just setting up the things and putting layers on later.  To keep up with deadlines I will also keep everything together and focus on the end product and consistency in the design to motivate me to take pictures. 

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