Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Still Life

Things Used

Candle 1
Candle 2
Blue Pen
Holes Book
Island Book
Photo Frame (Shiny one)
Christmas Lights
Gift box 1
Gift box 2
Ice cubes (plastic)
Silver Holly
Wood Photo Frame
White felt "Snow"
Blue Bird
White and Blue Snowflakes
Game Board Pieces

Kind of like a strange Christmas theme...

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Scavenger Hunt!

-What We Are Really Thankful For- (Above)
I am thankful for nature/seasons because each season gives us different perspectives on how we view something.  This tree would look a lot different in Winter or Spring than it would now.  I also really enjoy nature and am thankful to live in a place that has so much of it!

-Dead Meat- (Above)
Doesn't that portion of turkey look dead?  I wouldn't be eating it if it were alive though...that would be gross.

-Art Student Over The Break- (Above)
I spent a lot of my time getting some sleep, maybe a little too much. 

-Bliss- (Above)
A nice cup of tea always makes me feel better :)

-American Stereotype(s)- (Above)
(Choosing the black friday ads as grading)
I took a bunch of different pictures of stereotypes, my favourite one turned out to be the black friday ads because it is awful that we are thankful for the things that we have one day and then just hours later we are either trampling each other to get the latest and greatest toys for ourselves or other people just at cheaper prices.  Its rather sad.  I can see that when people are getting things for other people it is a good thing, but when you're making fights over it, it's just not the way.  The other two photos signify the fact that Americans eat too much fast food and are almost dependant on it. (some people)

-Dysfunctional- (Above)
Add-on (Not part of Bliss)
This photo came into my head when I was cleaning up my room, I though that this was dysfunctional because the keyboard is up on the wall and the mouse is on top of the computer.  Not very functional or practical to say the least. 

6 Photos I Never...

Friday, November 16, 2012

This is Like one of those Infomercials on TV where they're selling the Greatest Hits of 2012 Cd's: These are my Best of Photos so Far In Studio Art

 There are a few extra in which I have never uploaded for any project before.  It's like a new assignment; Upload pictures of things that were not for assignments and on your own time!  I have been learning so many new things in studio art and I hope to keep working at it :D